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Fundraising Society

Fundraising Committee Meetings are held at Meadow Ridge School on the third Thursday of the month (unless it is a holiday). 

The meeting commences approximately 7:30 pm (immediately after the School Council Meeting which begins at 6:30 pm)

We would love to see you there and hear your voice!

Upcoming Meeting Dates:

 September 19th, 2024 Annual General Meeting

October 17th, 2024

November 21st, 2024

No meeting in December

January 16th, 2025

February 27th, 2025

March 20th, 2025

April 17th, 2025

May 22nd, 2025

No meeting in June

Clink on link to view documents:



Email: fundraising.mrs@gmail.com

Chair/President:  Sarah Larsen

Vice Chair/President:  Nicole Brockhoff

Secretary:  Nicole Mulholland

Treasurer:  Crystal Krauss

Directors: Rhiannon Harris & Shannon Gosse


Email: mrshotlunch@gmail.com

Please follow us on Facebook: Meadow Ridge School Council and Fundraising Committee

Hot Lunch Ordering Website (school code is MRS2024):

Hot Lunch Volunteer Sign Up:




(download pdf brochure at the bottom of the page)

Students are asked to hand in order forms and payment to their homeroom Teachers by March 25th at the latest.

Pick up will be at the school around the last week in April or first week in May. 

An email will be sent out to all families when they're received with exact date/time of pick up. Thank you!

Cobs Dough Raiser Program (ongoing)

Please mention our school when you make any purchases at Cobs Bakery. 

Our school will receive a percentage of all sales. Thank you!

Mabel's Labels (ongoing)

Go to "Support a Fundraiser" and type "Meadow Ridge School" in the search box. 

Label all of your child's clothing, shoes, and school supplies to decrease the chance they will lose something! If it is labeled, we will return it to your child.


Thank you for supporting our school!! 

Meadow Ridge Fundraising Society 






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