Student Conduct and Discipline
Policies and Procedures
School Code of Conduct
- C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL has a responsibility to ensure that students and staff are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging and promote student wellbeing.
- C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL works with families and community partners to provide safe, caring, respectful, and welcoming, inclusive and equitable learning experiences that engage students to achieve their full potential in an increasingly interdependent world.
- C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL is committed to providing a safe learning and working environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination, and violence.
- All those involved with C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL including trustees, employees, students, parents, volunteers, and community members must share in the responsibility for eliminating bullying, discrimination, harassment, and violence. Investigation of allegations of such behaviours will be conducted in a timely and respectful manner.
This Student Code of Conduct is intended to establish and maintain:
- An appropriate balance between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities in the school community.
- Our purpose is to promote student learning, growth and understanding as well as ensure that students possess a strong connection to their schools as welcoming, caring, respectful and safe places focused on their individual success.
- It will be reviewed annually and publicly available on the school’s website.
The Student Code of Conduct establishes:
- expectations
- interventions
- possible consequences for student behaviour
- Accountability for unacceptable behaviour and conduct that occurs both inside and outside of the school building or school day, if the conduct negatively affects a member of the school or interferes with the school environment. Behavior may include use of electronic means (e.g. social media).
Responsibilities of Students, Staff and Parents: The development of positive student behaviour is a shared responsibility between students, staff and parents and is framed within our four C. Ian McLaren, “Cougar Commitments”.
Unacceptable behaviour by students: Examples of unacceptable behaviour may include but are not limited to: (Section 12 of the School Act, 2015)
- behaviours that interfere with the learning of others and/or the school environment or that create unsafe conditions;
- acts of bullying, harassment, or intimidation/discrimination;
- acts of violence, physical aggression or threatening behavior;
- theft or damage of property
Consequences of unacceptable behaviour may include but are not limited to: (School Act, 2015)
- “making it right” (restitution) appropriate to the situation
- counselling and teaching the acceptable behaviour explicitly
- removal from environment for a time
- in-school suspension
Acceptable Behaviour includes but is not limited to: completing work, attend school, co-operate with staff, comply with school rules, respect the rights of others, and refrain from bullying (Section 12 of the School Act, 2015)
and the following C. Ian McLaren expectations:
I Am Here For Learning | I Show Pride in My School | I Keep My School Safe For All | I Respect Myself and Others |
I Am Here For Learning | I Show Pride in My School | I Keep My School Safe For All | I Respect Myself and Others |
I Am Here For Learning | I Show Pride in My School | I Keep My School Safe For All | I Respect Myself and Others |
What happens if students don’t follow the code of conduct?
- A continuum of supports addresses how C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL will support students impacted by inappropriate behavior and to those students who engage in inappropriate behavior.
- Support, not just consequences, will be provided to those students that engage in inappropriate behaviour as denoted by a Progressive Discipline Continuum including such practices such as mentoring, restorative processes, student advisories, peer support networks, regular check-ins with teachers or schools counsellors, counselling, time-out, suspension and/or expulsion.
- Consequences of unacceptable behaviour will take into account the student’s age, maturity and/ or individual circumstances.
- Support will be provided for any students who are impacted by inappropriate behaviour as well as for students who engage in inappropriate behaviour.
- Although the code of conduct will address issues such as consequences for unacceptable behaviour, the primary focus of the Student Code of Conduct is to help students learn how to address issues of dispute, develop empathy and become positive citizens both within and outside of the school community.
C. IAN MCLAREN SCHOOL has a continuum of supports to ensure this.
Unacceptable Behaviours include but are not limited to: refusal to work, disrespect towards staff and peers, fighting, swearing, bullying (see Section 12, School Act, 2015)
Progressive Discipline - C. Ian McLaren
Universal | Targeted | Individualized | |
Conscious Discipline Morning Routines – morning greeting Safe Place Classroom Jobs Rituals – we wish you well, welcome back, class meeting Conflict Resolution: time machine Common Language Cougar Agreements Skills of Conscious Discipline Ambassadors and Stewards Positive Behaviour Supports School and Playground Expectations | Classroom | School Based | Social Emotional Learning Curriculums (Zones, Mind up, Paths) Family School Liaison Counsellor support Peer supports Behaviour Support Plan/Safety Plans Mentorship Access support from extended team Outside Agencies In-school Suspension (mitigating factors) Structured Recess Alternate Recess Behaviour Contracts Sensory Breaks Structured Breaks Collaboration with Physician Structured Time Out Threat Assessment Restorative Mini-conferences Non-Violent Crisis Intervention |
Making it Right Classroom Meetings Classroom agreements Phoning or e-mail parents with concerns Withdraw privileges Adapting Classroom environment Breaks Logical Consequences Restorative Practices Social Emotional Learning Curriculums (Zones, Mind up, Paths) | Continuum of Supports (ie Office referrals, Loss of Privileges, Making it Right, Alternate Spaces, Structured recess) Weekly Collaborative Response meetings) |
Respect: To show regard or consideration for others. To act in a kind and helpful way.
Harassment: Any behavior that in effect or intent disparages, humiliates, or harms another person or class of persons. It is behaviour that denies dignity and respect, and is demeaning and/or humiliating to another person or class of persons. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, references related to age, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race and/or sources of income or family status. Sexual harassment is any unwelcome behavior that is sexual in nature. Such behavior may directly or indirectly affect or threaten to affect in an adverse manner a student’s well-being and/or learning environment. The behavior does not need to be intended as harassing to be considered as personal harassment. It is sufficient that one knows, or ought reasonably to know, that his/her behaviour is offensive and unwelcome. Harassment is not a relationship of mutual consent. It is any action including, but not limited to verbal, physical, written and cyber messaging that is unwelcome or intimidating and denies individual dignity and respect.
Discrimination: The denial of individual rights and freedoms in a manner which contravenes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and/or the Alberta Human Rights Act (AHRA). Discrimination on the basis of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, and source of income, family status, creed, sexual orientation, and citizenship is prohibited.
Bullying: According to Alberta Education (2016) bullying is a repeated and hostile or demeaning behaviour intended to cause harm, fear or distress, including psychological harm or harm to a person's reputation. It often involves an imbalance of social or physical power.
Bullying behaviours are a form of repeated and targeted aggression and can be:
- Physical – For example: poking, elbowing, hitting
- Verbal – For example: name calling, insults, racist, sexist or homophobic comments, put-downs or threats
- Social – For example: gossiping, spreading rumours, excluding someone from the group, isolating, ganging up
- Cyber – For example: social or verbal bullying through the use of email, text messages or social media.
School Act, Alberta Education (June 2015).
Welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Developing an Effective Code of Conduct (2015); The Society for Safe and Caring 69堂精品app and Communities (ASBA)